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Archived Webinars - Links to Topic Specific Pages

The MidAtlantic AETC continues to develop our repository of on-demand/archived content on a variety of topics. Below are links to pages separated by content type and also additional pages separated by audience type. Important note: This is archived content and though we continue to try and keep everything updated, it is possible certain things could be out of date. Do you have ideas, questions, suggestions for more webinars, or corrections to existing webinars? Please Contact Us.

By Topic

  • Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)
  • ART adherence
  • Engagement and retention in HIV care
  • HIV prevention
  • HIV testing and diagnosis
  • Linkage to HIV care
  • Long-Acting Injectables
  • Management of co-morbid conditions
  • Rapid ART


Archived Webinars: HIV Prevention

Behavioral prevention
Harm reduction
HIV transmission risk assessment
Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP, occupational and non-occupational)
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)
Prevention of perinatal transmission
Sexual health history taking
Treatment as prevention (i.e., U=U)
Other biomedical prevention

Archived Webinars: HIV background and management

Acute HIV
Adult and adolescent antiretroviral treatment
Aging and HIV
Antiretroviral treatment adherence, including viral suppression
Rapid ART
Long-acting ART
Basic science
Clinical manifestations of HIV
HIV diagnosis (i.e., HIV testing)
HIV epidemiology
HIV monitoring lab tests (i.e., CD4 and viral load)
HIV resistance testing and interpretation
Linkage to care
Pediatric HIV management
Retention and/or re-engagement in care

Archived Webinars: Primary care and comorbidities

Age-related screening (e.g., cognitive acuity, bone density, etc.)
Anal cancer screening (e.g., Anoscopy and high-resolution anoscopy or HRA)
Cervical cancer screening, including HPV
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
End of life care
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis C
Medication-assisted therapy for substance use conditions (e.g., buprenorphine, methadone, and/or naltrexone)
Mental health conditions
Non-infection comorbidities of HIV or viral hepatitis (e.g., cardiovascular, neurologic, renal disease, etc.)
Opioid use condition
Opportunistic infections
Oral health
Primary care screenings
Reproductive health, including preconception planning
Sexually transmitted infections
Substance use conditions, not including opioid use
Wellness and/or health maintenance

Archived Webinars: Issues related to care of people with HIV

Health equity and/or health disparities
Health literacy
Low English proficiency
Stigma and/or discrimination
Stress management/resiliency

Archived Webinars: Health care organization or systems issues

Billing/financial (e.g., HCPC, ICD-10 codes, reimbursement)
Care coordination
Case management
Community linkage
Cultural competence/Cultural humility
Funding or resource allocation (e.g., grants, contracts)
Gender affirming care
Health care coverage (e.g., Affordable Care Act, health insurance exchanges, managed care)
Legal issues
Motivational interviewing
Organizational infrastructure
Organizational needs assessment
Patient-centered medical home
Practice transformation
Quality improvement
Team-based care (e.g., interprofessional training)
Trauma-informed care
Use of technology (e.g., electronic health records, etc.)


Archived Webinars: LGBTQIA+ Health 

Archived Webinars: Pharmacology/Medications 

Archived Webinars: Rural Health 

Archived Webinars: Substance Use and Mental Health 

By Audience

Archived Webinars for New Staff/HIV Orientation 

Archived Webinars for Case Managers 

Archived Webinars for Outreach and Testing Staff 

Archived Webinars for Prescribers/Clinic Staff 

Archived Webinars for Mental Health Clinicians 

Archived Webinars for Program Management and Admin Staff