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HIV and Substance Use AM Option (Virtual)
Course Description:
HIV and Substance Use (SU) training – including how to work with individuals actively using substances and recovery strategies. Assessing when harm reduction and Syringe Service Programs (SSP) are an option. Opioid overdose and Naloxone. Examine how SU may ...
Intented Audience
Any provider working with people living with or at-risk for acquiring HIV including, but not limited to: Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, Substance Use Professionals, Case Managers, Community Health Workers.
Emily Cadden
Course Description:
HIV and Substance Use (SU) training – including how to work with individuals actively using substances and recovery strategies. Assessing when harm reduction and Syringe Service Programs (SSP) are an option. Opioid overdose and Naloxone. Examine how SU may ...
Intented Audience
Any provider working with people living with or at-risk for acquiring HIV including, but not limited to: Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, Substance Use Professionals, Case Managers, Community Health Workers.
Emily Cadden
Starts at: October 10, 2024 10:00am ET
Ends at: October 10, 2024 12:00pm ET
Sponsored by Virginia Commonwealth University
Fee: None
BPHC Prevention Community of Practice - October Peer Discussion
The Prevention Community of Practice (CoP) provides an opportunity for Federally Qualified Community Health Centers (FQHCs) in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, DC to learn from each other regarding increasing HIV testing, diagnosis and prevention, including the provision of pre-exposure prophylaxis (...
Intented Audience
Ending the HIV Epidemic-funded FQHCs in the MAAETC region
Debra D'Alessandro
The Prevention Community of Practice (CoP) provides an opportunity for Federally Qualified Community Health Centers (FQHCs) in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington, DC to learn from each other regarding increasing HIV testing, diagnosis and prevention, including the provision of pre-exposure prophylaxis (...
Intented Audience
Ending the HIV Epidemic-funded FQHCs in the MAAETC region
Debra D'Alessandro
Starts at: October 10, 2024 12:00pm ET
Ends at: October 10, 2024 1:00pm ET
Sponsored by Philadelphia/Health Federation
Fee: None
Invite Only/Password Protected
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